Wednesday, August 22, 2012

First Day of School

 Gabe, Lily and Colin started school this Tuesday.  Brandon started work a little later so he could see the kids get on the bus.  That morning all the kids were overwhelmed with nerves and excitment.  Their first day was an easy day, it was only a half day of school (3 hours).  Colin got home first and was so happy that he met a couple of new friends.  With him being in 7th grade the school is getting the kids ready for high school so, his schedule is very much like that and he loves that.  Gabe was smiling from ear to ear he met a new friend name Reed and he was excited to start his first homework assignment reading for 20 minutes.  Gabe loves books and could read for hours.  Lily meet a couple new girls and she loves her new teacher Mr. Fauser.  He's in his early 30's, married and has a lot of energy.  Which I guess you would have to have being a 1st grade teacher.  She told me that Mr. Fauser told a boy "you need to chill dude", well a few times I heard her tell Gabe to chill dude then she would giggle.

  1.  This picture is from last year first day of school.
One year later