Monday, November 30, 2009

William and Paige

We had Shaun's children William and Paige come to visit for a little over a week. My mom had them on the weekends. They are great kids with a lot of energy. William's favorite word was "No" to everything which got a little old. They both are 13 months apart like my brother and I are. Wow, I give my mom a lot of credit. Lily misses Paige her best friend and she got a taste of what a sister would've felt like for a brief moment. The kids are excited to see them again soon.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween 2009

It was a chilly Halloween this year. My mom has so much fun going treat-or-treat with the kids. She has went every since Colin was born (I think missing one) in the 9 years. Brandon and my mom took the kids in late afternoon to the Lake Geneva's first and then our neighborhood had it that night. After a long day we came back to the house ordered a pizza, played a fun card games with the kids and the adults had some Fat Tires and visited for a bit. It was an excellent Halloween after a long day at work.
An afternoon in Lake Geneva with the kids trying to capture the beautiful and vibrate season.