Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Thanksgiving Fun

I get asked what my favorite day of the year is by the kids all the time and they all know the answer...Thanksgiving! We started 4 years ago staying home and spending the day together. We usually start off with a large breakfast and then we start decorating the house and tree. Typically every year "knock on wood" Brandon and the kids leave me for an hour to go to Walmart (only store open that day) to get some more Christmas tree lights or something I forgot to pick up at the grocery store. After dinner we take a drive and check out Christmas lights. When we get home we have dessert and then we enjoy a Christmas movie. This year with having a small baby and going to bed by 9pm we didn't get a chance to see Christmas lights or watch a Christmas movie.
My little turkey-gobble gobble
Clint, Karen and Josh came out the day after Thanksgiving for a visit. It's always nice to spend time with them. Lily always talks about her favorite Uncle Clint and who could blame her. He plays with her doll house with her and helps her put candy canes on the Christmas tree. Lily even wanted to be in their family picture! She loves her Uncle!:)

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