Our Christmas Story, went like this. The kids didn't get a pair of pajamas that looked like a pink nightmare but they did each get a pair of pj's. Probably not their favorite gift. Everyone got the gift they wanted. Gabe got a Spywatch, which could be a problem, he now is constantly spying on Brandon and I. Noah got the yellow semi he's been asking for and little portable dvd for the bus which was a request from his bus driver. Lily really wanted a jewelry set and a cotton candy maker. She didn't get the cotton candy maker but she received a jewelry set with a lot of other things. She loved all her gifts and after opening gifts she gave us a concert where she rocked Silent Night.

We didn't get a leg lamp, but we got a canon camera from my mom. I love it more than a lamp decked out in fishnets and a nifty shade to top it off! But my sister-in-law and her husband have the leg lamp so I can always admire theirs!

Nobody asked for a Red Ryder but Colin did ask for a phone. We debated on getting him a phone. We gave everyone their last gift the grand finale. Colin unwrapped a card with 120 minutes. We told him it was minutes he could use at a pay telephone. He didn't know what a pay telephone was, so I told him he can find them at the gas station. Brandon and I played it up asking him how cool it was and it was just as good as having a phone. He started getting tears in his eyes. Brandon found one more gift under the tree for Colin. Colin was so excited to get his own phone!

On Christmas day my family came out to celebrate the day. We had fun playing UNO, twister and later the adults played cards. We had a wonderful Christmas!
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