Gabe turned 6 years old May 14th. I remember our ultra sound and the nurse telling me he was a boy. I was in total shock. I pictured me with two boys and a little girl. I always wanted three children and Brandon wanted four children. The day after finding out I sat on the side of the bed crying. Brandon asked what was wrong. I told him how I was never going to help my daughter pick out her prom dress, plan a wedding or go shopping. My biggest fear was once the boys got married they would forget about me. Brandon's response was that I would always have him. As sweet as that was it wasn't the same. Four months later Brandon and I had gotten everything ready for baby Gabriel. Brandon as organized as he is... begged me to pack my hospital bag. I got everything packed except for the last minute items I put on a list posted on the fridge. Thursday May 13th four weeks before my due date I went to work (1-9 p.m.). I had a long day doing a lot of pedicures. Women getting there toes done before summer. My last guest of the day I had just started polishing her toes. All of a sudden my stomach felt as though a rubber band snapped in my stomach and a couple of minutes later I felt bubbles. It takes about 10 minutes to polish and the first 5 minutes I was pretty sure my water broke but not sure. Finally I had to put the top coat on and I told my guest I thought my water broke so I wanted to warn her before I got up. I got up and nothing......5 seconds later a gallon of water all over the floor. Yikes. I called Brandon and my mom and drove myself to the hospital. The girls at work wanted to drive me or at least follow me to the hospital but I declined. I remember getting out of the car and my shoes making a squeaking noise every step I took. My pants were so water logged and I walked in the front entrance and the women at the front desk asked me how she could help me. The only thing I could think was Seriously... look at me. A few minutes later Brandon was by my side and we had a ultra sound to see if he was still breech. I warned the nurse I may cry if he was breached. But when she told me I was surprised I didn't cry but was scared to have a c-section. The past two births I never had an epidural because the fear of needles. Around 11 p.m. we had my mom and Brandon's parents their with us and their encouraging words helped put away my fears. On May 14th at 2:34 a.m. Gabriel William was born. I remember seeing him for the first time. He was the most beautiful baby. From the moment I laid my eyes on him and held him I was so happy to be his mommy. Our parents were waiting to see Gabe and they waited until 3:30 in the morning. It was so quiet and peaceful when they got to meet him. Out of all the kids he was the easiest. Six years later he still is my baby and I love him so much. He is my little angel. I love you Gabe.
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