Thursday, July 30, 2009
Noah The Birthday Boy
Noah turned 7 years old today. It makes you realize how time is so precious as a parent. I had to run out this morning(6:30 a.m.) to gets donuts, coffee and gifts for the big guy. After breakfast he was ready to open the gifts which worked out nice so they could play with them downstairs. Noah was so happy with all his gift and continuously thanked us throughout the day. He is such a great kid who has a lovely smile and makes us laugh nonstop. Also, has the same passion as his father cleaning. Happy Birthday to my Dear Noah.
Fun night out
On July 24th Brandon and I had the pleasure of going out with my mom and grandma. It started off with the ladies coming a hour early so they could visit with the kids and have a glass of wine out in Sun room. We went to Houlihan's for dinner and drinks. As you can see Brandon had a pitcher of Long Island Ice Tea and my mom had a regular glass. I had a Bloody Mary in a skinny glass and grandma had a glass of wine (which would make two glasses). Grandma was so funny she definitely was our entertainment over dinner. After dinner we went back to the house to play cards that my grandma taught both Brandon and I. Which involved money and she told us she wasn't good. I think she was hustling us because she won all the rounds. Grandma buying herself something nice. The last round she let Brandon win because she felt sorry for him (he was pulling at his hair in frustration). See last picture. We had a wonderful night.
We did it....
Wanting to Be Young Again
I bought this headband this summer and only wore it once. The kids loved it. When I wore it Brandon had a huge grin on his face and asked what's on the side of my head as if it were a joke. He couldn't stop staring at it. Well I retired the headband and gave to someone I suppose is age appropriate. It definitely looks better on her and yes I bought it in the Ladies Section at Target.
Lemon Cake
New Kitchen Toy
Our stove stopped working. We went without a stove for 5 days which was difficult to plan meals. We have all white appliances and we sooner or later would like stainless. So we were in a little dilemma if we should either go stainless or buy a cheap white stove for $300 until we change all of the appliances to stainless.
We decided on the same type of stove but stainless. I love the double oven and I think once you have it you can't image having anything different.
Painting Toes
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Fun At the Beach
St. Louis Family Trip
July 1st at around 5 a.m. we left for our trip to St. Louis. My only stipulation was Starbucks before we made the 5 hour trip. For some much needed caffeine that early in the morning. We were hoping to make the trip with only 2 stops one for breakfast. But with kids we needed an extra stop.
Our first stop in St. Louis was a water park called Aqua Port. Unfortunately we didn't take our camera. We got there around 11 a.m. and stayed until after 3 p.m.. We had a great time the kids had a blast. The water park was only 20 minutes from our hotel.
We had dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe. Great atmosphere and delicious food. After we ventured around the downtown area and checked out the Arch. The kids were in aah....
The next day because we were only a block from the Arch and Busch Stadium after breakfast we took a morning walk around the area. Later in the morning we left to go to the St. Louis Zoo and after the Turtle Park. Before dinner we took a tour thru Budweiser. It was Brandon's only request on the trip. It was a hour tour and the kids did surprising well. With some bribing... With a full day we ordered pizza in. Pizza is not the same in St. Louis it tasted like cheese whiz..the kids loved.
Our last day we again took a long walk but this time video taped. We took the kids to the Magic House (children's museum). The kids had an awesome time. We were there for 4 hours and I think we could have stayed longer. We were going to stay an extra night near the water park but decided to come home Friday night because it was going to rain all day Saturday.
On the way up 5 hours went fast. Brandon and I talked and laughed a lot the whole way there. The kids watched their movies and were in good spirit. On the way home we made a pit stop to Target to get each child a little something for how well they behaved (specially on the Budweiser Tour). I bought US magazine. So while Brandon drove for the first hour I was reading up on the gossip. Needless to say we couldn't be happier to see the Wisconsin sign. We all had a fantastic time.
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