A couple of weeks ago Colin sang with his class at church. When church was over I asked Colin if he knew which little boy in his class sang really loud and had such a beautiful voice. You could hear every word he sang. I went through all the boys names in his class wondering who had such a beautiful voice. He told me he didn't know who it was. So, Wednesday night Colin's class is going to be singing for the church. That night while I' m making dinner Colin asked me if I wanted to hear him sing. So I listen to him and he sounds good. That night I went to church by myself which was nice not to worry about any of the kids. Middle of the service his class sings and they're in the back balcony. I could hear Colin sing but to tell you the truth it sounded like it was between shouting and singing. I sat there with the biggest grin on my face and I almost burst into laughter it was hilarious. When I met Colin in the class room to pick him up he said "I need a drink my throat hurts so bad from singing". I told him they did a wonderful job. He also asked if I heard him. I said yes. Note to self keep comments to myself.
Colin made a truck for his Art Fair at his school. Made out of a box and what else tape. Pretty cool.
Noah always says some of the funniest things. This morning Noah had left the house forgetting something. So, I ran it out to him on the bus. His bus driver is very nice and she always has a funny story with Noah. She told me once she over heard him telling a child sitting next to him that he loves his mom, dad and he loves himself. This morning she told me that she had to take a toy away from him and he told her he was going to tell his mom on her and she was going to get in trouble. I told her I hear that alot from his teachers. What a bully.