Sorry haven't post in a while. It was nice getting the kids back to school to get back to our routine again. With it being so cold last week the kids had no school Thursday and Friday. Thursday the kids were so happy to have off but, by Friday I think everyone was getting stir crazy.

I have a magazine that I've had for over a year now. In this magazine they have a kitchen that I love with a fireplace in the dining room and the fireplace was painted a light beige by the owners. I really dislike the color of our fireplace . So, Brandon worked 2nd shift on Thursday and when he walked out of the door I took it
upon myself to paint the fireplace. So he was surprised when he called me that night and I told him what I did. I don't think he believed me until he got home and saw it for himself. I think he likes it.

This is a picture of the fireplace before.

This actually looks better than the picture. The oak mantle had a golden tone. So, I was going to paint the mantle white with a primer paint color. After one coat of it I didn't like the white so I tried to clean it off with soapy water. It took off the shiny seal and instead of taking off all the white primer
I left some on it to give it a vintage look. I am happy with it.

While I was painting my cousin Carie called me and I was explaining what I was doing. I told her I would put it on my blog so she could see what I was doing. I think she got the impression I had no idea what I was doing. She was laughing at me because I was using the paint color that we used in our foyer. She thought there was paint specifically for painting a fireplace. That night after I painted the fireplace I did google and she was right. Hope you like it.
p.s. In the magazine (with the painted fireplace ) the picture has an amazing crystal chandelier. Friday night I looked everywhere for the chandelier and finally I found it (were I was hoping I wouldn't because they're so expensive) PotteryBarn $400. I was so bummed. I did hint to Brandon that it would make a wonderful anniversary gift. But he laughed at me. Oh well, I guess a girl can dream.